The Kazakhstan Global Investment Roundtable

The Kazakhstan Global Investment Roundtable the first step in a multifaceted strategy to enhance engagement with the global business community and attract FDI A by-invitation-only, exclusive gathering of 150+ senior international and Kazakh business and financial executives, technology and thought leaders who are interested in gaining a first-hand understanding of investment opportunities, obtaining insight on transport and logistics and human capital infrastructure development in the country, developing PPP projects, and actively participating in shaping the next generation of Kazakhstan’s economic growth. KGIR marked a new chapter in the engagement between the international business community and the Government.

Building mind share in global corporate boards

The combination of event networking & public-private sector dialog, content capture from events and social media outreach, supplemented by international biz media coverage and select advertising builds trust in the Kazakh investment story.

Key take-aways of the KGIR

  • Over 70 CEOs of global companies, 150 top managers, 10 Public Figures, 25 Media Leaders, 30 academics and top experts
  • CNBC televised Plenary Panel and Russia 24; CaiXin Media; and ABC TV headline; 70 media organizations covering the event.
  • The program of the Kazakhstan Global Investment Roundtable consisted of an interactive panel with the Prime Minister and 5/6 global executives – televised globally; Interactive roundtable discussions with 5 global executives, professionally moderated, where leaders of global business community exchange views
  • Kazakhstan provides easy access to the large and relatively affluent EAEU market – total population of 183m and GDP (in PPP) of US$4 trillion;
  • Due to Kazakhstan’s unique geo-economic position the country is front-and-center to a new impetus to develop Central Asian economies – driven in large part by China’s “New Silk Road” initiative to more efficiently link China with the world’s largest economic area – the European Union. Already, some US$51bn in new investment in infrastructure development has been committed, and Kazakhstan is central to the strategy to bridge the world’s largest Western and Eastern markets;
  • Kazakhstan is responding to these trends with a comprehensive economic reform agenda to unleash the potential for investment in advanced manufacturing technologies (on demand, 3-D component manufacturing, AI-empowered inventory management, etc.) while expanding agro-industrial development, downstream commodity production, etc. – creating needed, modern production platforms to service newly emerging global supply chains.

“Kazakhstan is Open for Business”

Committed and determined to modernize and improve the business environment

“Diversification is a key to Kazakhstan’s Economic Future”

Economy is moving beyond resource extraction and partnering with the international business community to develop modern agro-industrial and advanced manufacturing (Industry4.0) operations.

“Privatization will Proceed”

Recognize that this is a major signal to markets indicates the government is serious about its economic reform agenda

“Accessible Government; Building trust with international business community”

The Kazakhstan government is developing the skills where public-private collaboration is a part of its regular operating culture

“The Establishment of a New Land-based logistic bridge between China and Europe (New Silk Road) is a once in a generation, transformative investment opportunity”

Due to its geographic and human capital advantages, Kazakhstan is a natural hub for Silk Road and Central Asian development strategies